Daphne Rosa

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Free Downloadable Colouring In Sheets...

The last day of launch week and the last treat! Thank you so much for following along, you deserve a medal if you made it this far! But it has been really lovely to be able to share some treats with you to celebrate this week and I hope you’ve enjoyed them too. You can still use your code for 25% off the entire shop if you signed up to the newsletter on Monday, but only until midnight tonight so get your orders in today if you fancy snapping something up. The free mobile and desktop downloads are still available on the blog so you can still spruce up your screen too.

Re-branding the business and having a new website designed, with it’s own shop no less, has been a big deal for me. For a long time I didn’t think I’d ever get to this point, where I can delegate parts of the business to people who are much better equipped and more skilled than me to do those jobs and it’s been a bit of a revelation. Not only because it now allows me to focus on what I am good at, and not be stressing every time I need to take a photo of a product or change something on the website, but also because it’s a big milestone for me, both in business and personally, in how far I’ve come.

I’ll maybe write another post another about my journey to this point another time, but I’m not ashamed to say that I’m just a little bit proud to be here with this beautiful new home for all the new and exciting plans I have for DaphneRosa in the future. Running your own thing, it can sometimes feel like your stuck in glue, like everyone else is achieving great things around you and you’re just plodding along or not making any progress at all, but I’m coming to realise that it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter what anyone else is doing or how long it takes to get where you want to be, there will always be another goal or challenge just out of reach but you just need to keep going.

I know I’ve said it already but I am so very grateful for all the love and support I’ve been shown this week, from the shares and comments to the messages, sign ups to the newsletter and orders. Launching all of this was another one of those, ‘do I really know what I’m doing’ moments but I’m so glad I pushed on and shared it all with you, it’s been a blast! And to my friends and family, on and offline, those who have been here since the early days, the biggest of thank you’s, I wouldn’t still be going without you and I promise to get back to you this week now I have a bit of time again!

Stop waffling and give me the treat I’m sure you’re saying. Well I thought about what I could share at the end of the week to celebrate just how great you all are so I’m sending a little love back to you with this downloadable colouring sheet. I’ve been wanting to create something along these lines for a while anyway and I thought what better time to make something that says thank you but also might give you a little calm for the mind that I think we could all do with right now, I know I certainly could.

I tested it out, being the conscientious business owner I am, and actually coloured mine in digitally on my Ipad, but its designed so you can print it out as an A4 sheet to colour in with pen or pencil too. If you follow me on Instagram I posted recently about finding it difficult to relax or switch off from work. Having this as a little project to do over the past few nights has actually been a real tonic, to keep my hands busy but my mind calm. I thought they might look good up in a window to share a little love, send to grandparents or loved ones while we are still apart, or even just up on your own wall or in a frame. Just click on the image to download and get colouring!

I’d LOVE to see if you give it a go so do tag me over on Instagram if you share and thank you, thank you, thank you again for following along this week, it’s meant the world.

Speak soon.