Daphne Rosa

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10 Things To Do With Kids At Easter

With the Easter holidays fast approaching I’m sure I’m not the only one who is wondering what I’m going to do with the kids to keep them entertained! So I thought I’d put together a list of some of the things we have planned in case it was useful to anyone else. It includes a free activity to download too, to help add a bit of fun to those lockdown walks!

1. Easter hunt

Well it is Easter so the Easter bunny really should pay us a visit. I know I am definitely looking forward to my egg and no, Mummy doesn’t share chocolate! We will do a hunt in the garden for the biggest with some small chocolate eggs hidden for him to find but if you don’t want to give your kids chocolate you could hide some small, cheap toys, colourful paper eggs or little chicks.

2. Family film

This is something we started with our then 2 year old when lockdown started a year go on a Sunday afternoon. We choose a new Disney film that he hasn’t seen, get our pyjamas on and have now started making our own popcorn too. He feels like it’s a real treat each week and we get a bit of downtime too, although not quite as restful now there’s an 8 month old to entertain too!

3. Fun jobs

If the weather is good we love to get the boys out in the garden and the 3 year old especially loves to help out. So if, like us, you need to get the garden ready again for Spring try giving them job like watering the garden or cleaning the cars. We have a toy watering can but getting to use the big hose is always a big thrill! We sometimes set up his animals or figures outside with some water in his mud kitchen etc as an invitation to play which helps to keep him outside longer and give us a few minutes to actually get something done too.

4. A little crafting

Stay with me, I know for a lot of parents crafting with their kids is their idea of hell but there are ways to do something together which doesn’t result in glitter all over the floor and someone crying, I promise! I’ve created a couple of activities on the blog for simple crafts that might be fun for you too and don’t involve much mess so check them out here and let me know if you have a go!

5. A new bedtime story

I know this one isn’t going to kill much time but it can help to break the monotony of reading the same bedtime story over and over and over… anyone elses kids get stuck on one book like a broken record?! They don’t have to be expensive but I find keeping a few new books in a cupboard away from prying eyes is helpful to bring out when you or they are in need of something different. It may not be a bottle of champagne or a spa break but go on, treat yourself :)

6. Cooking up a treat

Again, I know that baking with your kids isn’t everyone’s idea of fun but I do always think that at least you always get something nice to eat at the end of it! I mean, a little toddler saliva never hurt anyone right?! But if cakes aren’t your thing, try getting them involved in preparing dinner. We have a child friendly knife that our 3 year old uses and he’s a dab hand now at chopping mushrooms, peppers etc and even likes to give things a stir too, all supervised of course. Less mess than flour all over the place and I’ve heard it can be really good for picky eaters too to get involved in making what they are going to eat so win win!

7. Say yes

I don’t know if anyone else has seen the film on Netflix but for a while we’ve been trying to say yes to some things at the weekend that we might normally say no to and it’s worked really well. We don’t go as far as to say yes to every request but saying yes to some cake before lunch or not having a bath before bed gives them a thrill and you earn some brownie points too with things you don’t mind letting go. A little break from the monotony of parenting can only be a good thing for everyone right?!

8. Build a fort

A simple one that I’m sure you’ve pulled out the bag before but why not go the extra mile, hang up some fairy lights, grab all the cushions and blankets and make a little cosy spot. Maybe even watch your family film in there too?! I don’t know about you but I’m always keen for any kind of play with the kids that means I can sit or preferably lay down.

9. Order food in for everyone

When we order food in we usually do it as a treat for the two of us once the kids are tucked up in bed and we get a little peace. But why not order in some food for lunch? It might feel a bit extra but if we can’t treat ourselves every now and then after the year we’ve had when can we?! We love to use local small businesses wherever possible when we do this and are so grateful that Click It Local covers our area now too. The toughest part of this one is deciding what to have!

10. Go on a scavenger hunt

If you’ve been waiting for the freebie then it’s finally here! I’ve drawn a sheet of things to find for my 3 year old on our walks a few times now and it always goes down well, so much so that he often requests them :) I’m pretty sure we are all getting a bit sick of the walks now so here’s something that will hopefully add a little bit of fun to them, a scavenger hunt for them to tick off when they see something. I’d love to see if you use it so do tag me on Instagram if you do. They can even colour it in too, the free activity that keeps on giving!

Whatever you get up to I hope you have a lovely Easter, speak soon!